Trueline Institute


Mastering Backend Development

Comprehensive Backend Development Course

Embark on a transformative journey in our Backend Development Course. Delve deep into server-side programming, database management, and API creation. Master industry-leading technologies like Node.js, Python, and databases such as MySQL and MongoDB. Build scalable, efficient web applications and open doors to a rewarding career in web development.

Popular Topics To Learn

Full stack Development Courses

Node JS

Node.js courses teach students how to leverage this JavaScript runtime environment for server-side development. Topics include asynchronous programming, creating RESTful APIs, and working with packages using npm. Advanced content covers Express.js for building web applications, authentication, real-time applications with, and deployment strategies.

Web development Courses


Ruby courses introduce students to the Ruby programming language. They cover fundamental concepts such as variables, data structures, and control flow. Advanced topics encompass object-oriented programming, Ruby on Rails for web development, testing with RSpec, and database integration using ActiveRecord. Students apply their skills through coding projects.

Web development Courses


Step into the world of web development with our Laravel course. Discover the magic of
this powerful PHP framework, where
you'll learn to craft dynamic, elegant, and
robust web applications. From MVC architecture to artisan commands,
become a Laravel artisan and shape
the digital landscape with confidence and finesse.

Software Develpment Course


Django courses focus on teaching students the Django web framework for Python. They cover essential topics such as setting up Django projects, creating models, views, and templates, and handling user authentication. Advanced modules delve into building robust web applications, working with databases using Django ORM, and deploying Django projects. Practical experience is gained through hands-on coding projects and web application development.

Software Develpment Course


Java courses provide a comprehensive foundation in the Java programming language. They cover core concepts such as variables, data types, and control structures. Advanced topics include object-oriented programming, data structures, exception handling, and multithreading. Courses often explore Java frameworks and libraries for web, mobile, and enterprise applications. Students gain practical experience through coding projects and application development.

Database Management System

My SQL/Mongo DB

SQL courses teach students the fundamentals of Structured Query Language. They cover database design, creating and querying databases using SQL, retrieving and manipulating data with SELECT statements, and managing database schema and permissions. Advanced modules delve into complex queries, indexing, and optimizing database performance. Practical experience is gained through hands-on exercises and database projects.

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